New Lessons on Growing Up and Love Letters Never Written (2010)

A mountain speaks to a hill and a hill speaks to a mountain. A man acts without hope.

New Lessons On Growing Up and Love Letters Never Written is a presentation on realities and histories. It is a conversation about furniture, belated birthdays, and failure. It is a monologue on appreciation and personal property. It is profound and it is not. It is beautiful and it is not. It is funny and it is not. Something will happen

The Program -Nicholas & Warner (2010)

The Baby, Episode 2 -Nicholas & Warner (2009)

Spectacular Gestures That Don't change a Thing- Nicholas & Warner (2009)

The Baby -Nicholas & Warner (2008)

Fee, Fi, Fo, Finambulist - Nicholas & Warner (2008)

The Fear of Losing (2007)

Blood Clots, Super Heroes, & Good Penmanship (2006)

The anti-hero ascends the exterior of the gallery. Gives a commencement speech  on questioning American optimism. Makes things that were meant to swim fly and things meant to fly swim (i.e. tying fish sticks to a balloon and releasing it out the window and finally fighting a fish and a bird to the death.

We are Not Funny & We Might Not Fly (2006)

A man recites love poems to a pig's head he finds in a wall. The man is challenged with acts of both transgression and regression.

Goodbye (2006)

Beetles & Bulldozers, People & Porcelain (2006)